A Beast Swallowed by a Flower - Chapter 57
You don't have anything in histories
Tears on a Withered Flower
Chapter 41
February 22, 2025
In The Night, At The Duke’s Mansion
Chapter 30
February 21, 2025
High Society
Chapter 40
February 19, 2025
Chapter 99
February 24, 2025
Chapter 98
February 17, 2025
Ummi Ikhwan
Poor Kay 😂😂 he is in diffucult situation
He may have told her to act mature, but he should have put firm boundaries in place right away (since she immediately dismissed his wife and put her hands on him again). In this kind of society, calling someone by their name and not their title implies extreme closeness that can be labeled inappropriate in certain circumstances. He may not have realized, but he was in the wrong and Iris definitely had reason to be disappointed and frustrated. She asked for space. Nothing wrong with that. She didn’t disrespect him by yelling or arguing in front of everyone. He could have spoken with her later in private, but chose to deeply apologize in front of people.
Their relationship isn’t yet a relationship of equals. Until she tells him the truth and asks about his thoughts and feelings- they’ll never really be on equal playing ground
Right now she’s the pants- but marriage isn’t about pants. Marriage is a partnership where both participants contribute and collaborate as equally as possible. It’s fine for her to be upset over Kay not understanding where the boundary is for a “childhood” friend but it isn’t okay to make him suffer without explaining how she feels and why she thinks it’s wrong. Then again, if we had a real marriage here, we wouldn’t have a plot!
I don’t think she asked him to beg , she asked for a little space , sometimes that Is a valid choice you don’t want to start a conversation when tempers are still high and you might say something you might regret, at least sometimes I do the same thing where I go “I am not ready to talk yet , give me some time or let’s discuss it later I am not ready yet to talk about it”
@justreadinalong – you’ve got a point but you know, some married couple are really like that, not only in fiction but even in real life.. I’m saying it’s good and I still believe that communication is the key but we can’t deny that there are people out there who acts the same as this. The only good thing on this one is it’s fiction, so the author have the right to change everything if he/she wanted it unlike in real life.
I can tell the person who wrote this story had never been married 😐 It’s not cool to reject apologizes from your spouse, to refuse to talk to them when they’re trying to fix the problem, and only pay attention once they’ve begged. If a husband made his wife beg for forgiveness when the husband was offended, we’d call that emotional abuse. It’s fiction so whatever, but I want readers to see her behavior for what it is and not think it’s something to be copied in real life.
What a cute wolfy🤣
The last panel got me giggling