I Tried To Be Her Loyal Sword - Chapter 83
You don't have anything in histories
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Cassmire The Loyal Sword, Cassmire The Loyal Sword ch 43, Cassmire The Loyal Sword english, Cassmire The Loyal Sword manhwa, Cassmire The Loyal Sword novel, Cassmire The Loyal Sword ss2, Cassmire The Loyal Sword webtoon, I Tried to Be a Loyal Sword, I Tried To Be Her Loyal Sword, I Tried To Be Her Loyal Sword ch 43, I Tried To Be Her Loyal Sword ss2, I Was Planning to Become a Loyal Sword, Loyal Sword, 我只想成為忠誠之劍, 本想成为忠诚的剑, 충직한 검이 되려 했는데
I really wonder why did the author chose Rome when the talk is about how they spared the conquered country 😐like bruh for real we have Iran the exact example of this situation and for more information during the Achaemenid Empire era the great Cyrus was the first ever king in the whole humankind history to show mercy to other countries when they are conquered and it was ordered by himself to treat them all equally and was the first person in history to say every single person has the right to have their own opinion like I mean I feel like my pride is hurt when u use Rome 0_0 because it’s actually way far from what they actually want ( if u give it a deep thought u find out some have the common goal but on whole they are a lot different ) and yeah
Rome was really incredible even If It wasn’t perfect they ruled for such a long time, so i guess that bringing them in this situation is a really Nice touch to make things look more real
What CP is saying is preventive measure. Removing the ruling class and diaposing of the adults would essentially make the North it’s territory. We haven’t really been shown the history of this world, but if we take it at face value, the North has declared war on the Empire multiple times. Now CP is just fed up with the constant bs that the North’s ruling class is doing. Granted his executioner style is too much, but it does remove the problem immediately. What I do believe would be better tho is to handle it like what UK did to HK. Take control of the area, remove the ruling class, revitalize it and make it into a vassal state, then give it back to the people after sometime. If people are happy then they won’t revolt, then after ruling the nation for sometime give it back, not to the former ruling class but in a democratic style for the people.
He needs to understand killing them will just ensure a nation war, the Northerners rebel to survive, the empire opposes for victory. She had a logical and BETTER argument than him. His argument leads to massacre, corruption and destruction. It infuriated me to say the least, they don’t deserve to die and those children don’t deserve to lose their parents just for the empire to remove any that oppose. It’s fucked up. Plus the Northern Empire has already fallen, what would the empire gain from destroying a nation that’s already destroyed? 0 net worth, 0 worth in general. Get good, bastard.
Both opinion are great but ill stand with the emperor hahaha
I stand with the emperor HAHAHAHAAHAH
In a heated debate between Kashmir and Diego the papa emperor said just kiss now…. Like what🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣