I’ll Save the Heroine! - Chapter 2
You don't have anything in histories
Tears on a Withered Flower
Chapter 45
March 22, 2025
Baby Snow Leopard of the Black Leopard Family
Chapter 29
March 22, 2025
In The Night, At The Duke’s Mansion
Chapter 34
March 23, 2025
Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess
Chapter 166
March 20, 2025
Solo Leveling
Chapter 200
May 31, 2023
Chapter 199
May 24, 2023
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I’m in agreement with many of you in the comments. I would have dismissed everyone but the heroine, then told her to remember everyone who is mean towards her and what they have done to her, there will be no further orders for anyone to be mean to her so learn to take count of who does what and also remember everyone who helps her as she will need to keep them with her when the staff is cleaned out, she will still be in the small room for now and doing the dishes like before so as to prevent any from discovering the truth of what is going on and she must continue acting timid and afraid because it will make those who wish to do her wrong feel confident enough to not hide themselves or their deeds.
Soon she will start hiring extra staff to be ready for the purge of staff that would be willing to harm the new duchess. She will pass the power to replace the staff to the heroine in order to make it clear who the new master is, and at that time she will be moved to whichever room she wants and will be given an entire dressing room full of custom ordered clothes and accessories to further clarify her position as the duchess.
She will be given tutoring in whatever she wants as well as being taught how to stand firm and retaliate against those who do her wrong in accordance to whatever the wrong doers position from the nobility to servants so that she can confidently defend herself and so she will never have to be put in such a bad situation again because she will not always have someone who is in a position to protect her just as she experienced while her husband was away. She must become someone who cannot be bullied so that her husband who loves her will never have to come home to find his beloved in a sorry state ever again.
I would then let her know that I am planning to move out and leave the duchy to the heroine and her husband and that I would only visit to check up on them from time to time (I would move to one of the seasonal estates and seek out investments to fund my future and get my own home)
I might be a little bit too ocd about how I would go about things…😅
Honestly, sudden change is not really a smart move. I mean, she still needs to act like a high ranked noble lady, you know. Living in an era where social class hierarchy is the main system, sge doesn’t have to lower her level. Being kind has many ways. Moreover, she doesn’t know how that world really works or whether ogFL is exactly like what’s been described in the book. I mean, why doesn’t MC like… try to figure out why ogVillainess acted that way? Reality oftenly is different from the book. And her most fatal idiocy is giving the dukedom management to the lady whose intelligence and ability are still unknown. MC should have started with making her learn, like being her trainee aide. There are smart ways to save herself while keeping her dignity as a noble woman. Fully bringing your modern ideals in this case isn’t wise, really.
Ah… why is hard to find excellent shoujo manhwa lately? Sigh.
She probably should’ve gone a different route. Instead of doing an about face, she maybe should’ve acted like she was just bored with picking on the og fl and bored with running the place. And or maybe acted like dumping all her duties on the og fl as a form of harassment. She should’ve kept the maid that was willing to do anything for her. If she started leaving the og fl alone maid probably would’ve too.
Uhh, MC doesnt even try to blend in (take it slowly) and acts as a besty to someone who was bullied because of her (it’s kind of messed up, for example even abused animals at first need to be given a safe place and then approached otherwise it stresses them out even more). And givining all dukendoms management to a girl who only had served as maid should logically be straight way to bankruptcy.
I would be suspicious too if someone suddenly change how they treat me. I’ll think that they’re planning something or they need something from me.