I’m Being Raised by Villains - Chapter 83
You don't have anything in histories
Tears on a Withered Flower
Chapter 45
March 22, 2025
In The Night, At The Duke’s Mansion
Chapter 34
March 23, 2025
Baby Snow Leopard of the Black Leopard Family
Chapter 29
March 22, 2025
Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess
Chapter 166
March 20, 2025
Solo Leveling
Chapter 200
May 31, 2023
Chapter 199
May 24, 2023
like how many times in a series does she get kidnapped??? this is a dragon kidnapper story. whole story she is always somewhere or other what an adventure???
I miss the orphanage Arch… RICHARD COME BACKK!!!😭😭😭
Give me a break
Nah, it’s getting so boring…
Hate one thing… they made her literally act oblivious to the teacher despite already knowing he is evil
U can make shit accidentally like her drinking hatar thinking it was just her maid’s help
And even the idiocy of telling the guy that can be seen as just panic and maybe thinking the guy might actually help even if for his own agenda since he showed he wants to get on good terms with her
But its factually established she knows he is evil
So why “tehe, suspicious”
She KNOWS he most likely is involved in it
Normally you would think this is creepy, but it’s actually just them trying to have her imprint on them. This is something lots of animals do, as this helps them grow. For instance; when a duckling hatches, it usually imprints on the first one it sees and bonds with, marking that being as it’s parent and the one to copy after. Sometimes ducks will do this towards chickens on farms, and it has the affect of them believing they are like the chicken more then another duck. This is how some animals raised in captivity are able to be so domestic and friendly towards humans, because they’ve imprinted on them rather then a parent.
Her tutor and the green haired fox dude both understand that Ayrin hasn’t properly imprinted yet, which was seen by her slow growth and aging, and by how small she was as a dragon(to the point of being thought a lizard). Even though she has grown more now, she is still only partially imprinted on Erno, her dad. Whoever she imprints on(similarly to a duckling and other animals), would be looked at in her mind as the parental figure she is supposed to obey and follow.
It’s wrong of them to take advantage, but it’s an actual thing for animals to do, and Ayrin has been explained to be much the same. No matter how old she is, she is still considered a baby dragon, and those natural instincts have been shown already.
…Huh… I thought he’d be a snake or something 😐
This story has officially gotten weird, the whole “getting a little girl to bond with an older guy” thing has soiled it entirely 🥲 i really loved this in the beginning too