Read manhwa On The Way To Meet Mom / 엄마를 만나러 가는 길 / On The Way To See My Mom / On My Way To See My Mom / On the Way to See Mom
Mori, a child found in an abandoned house, opens his eyes in a shelter by a rescue team. One day, while adjusting to an unfamiliar life, he receives unconditional love from a sponsor and grows up. When a close friend leaves with his mother, the child, who finds out that there is a mother, thinks. Could this person be.. my mother? The story of Mori’s journey to meet his distant and difficult mother.
“My Round One”
Shadow King
More updates pls ..
Wandering Reader
from the cover, its RIDER’S AND MIRIAM’S HAND!!
So refreshing! I really love it!
I love mori so cuuuuuuteeeeeeeeeeee
The story has some mystery and cute, I like it
I am a person
Amazing, just.. An art piece.
Let me tell you, i will become the demon slayer just to protect this baby. If anything happens to him iam gonna do massacre. I will set every single person on fire along with my self.
Oh i think the better way to express this manga is
The drawing style is clear but intense. The visualization at happy moment or dark story will vividly stay in ur mind. You just cannot feel at ease while reading this. The characters somehow feels so dark with comedy filter
Omg. It’s hv been awhile since the last time i read something this gooooddddddd. The story is unpredictable, the mangaka seems to be an illustrator who has done a lot of splash art. They draw some of panel reallly simple. But for the scenery, it bcm masterpieceeee. They know when they need to push the scene 😭😭
I kinda hv mix feeling tho reading this, it’s a cute story with a lot of comedy scene, i laughed a lot. But i also felt touch and sorry for the baby while reading this. I also find some scene scary af or disturbing.
You gotta try to read this one
Its finally here! Damn! All those times reading it from other sites, I waited for this…
I recommend this manhwa to those who watch too much toxic relationship like me HAHAHAHA