Sister, I Am the Queen in This Life - Chapter 126
You don't have anything in histories
Tears on a Withered Flower
Chapter 41
February 22, 2025
In The Night, At The Duke’s Mansion
Chapter 30
February 21, 2025
High Society
Chapter 40
February 19, 2025
Chapter 99
February 24, 2025
Chapter 98
February 17, 2025
1stkissmanga, cosmicscans, hari manga, harimanga, manhwa clan, manhwaclan, Mbak sekarang aku yang jadi ratu, peiscans, Read online Sister I Am the Queen in This Life, Sister I Am the Queen in This Life english, Sister I Am the Queen in This Life manhwa, Sister I Am the Queen in This Life novel, Sister in this life I’m a queen, Sister In This Life I’ve Become The Queen, Sister In This Life I’ve Become The Queen manhwa, Sister in this lifetime I am the queen, 언니 이번 생엔 내가 왕비야, 언니 이번 생엔 내가 왕비야 english, 언니 이번 생엔 내가 왕비야 manhwa, 언니 이번 생엔 내가 왕비야 novel, 언니 이번 생엔 내가 왕비야 webtoon
Fascinated reader
No one else but her family knows they’re “engaged” right? Just burn the damn marriage certificate 😭
bruh everyone in this world needs therapist. at least the dad has some sense seeing that his daughter is the one in the way of their pure love or whatever
New flower
She need therapy but seeing her madness now therapy don’t want her
i actually don’t understand why people are so mad at alphonso, I’ve seen past comments where they said he has no backbone and he would be not a good king or that cesare would be a better king and eccetera eccetera. I don’t agree, let me tell you straight that I ALWAYS dislike the blond ml, I just can’t stand them, but Al is literally the ONLY ONE i like. Ofc Cesare is kinda hotter and I understand why people see a lot of chemistry with Ariadne, it’s kinda exciting seeing this kinda enemies to lovers trope, but leaving our toxic traits aside (yes, mines too because i kinda wanna see ariadne end up with cesare too deeply inside), is not fair saying that Al is not a good ml. He has reassured Ari everytime and he literally symbolise what Ari didn’t have in the original timeline, they even LOVE each other and we have to remember that he’s like 15 years old!! Ariadne is also 15 but she already lived once, so it’s natural for her being more resolute, mature and foxy like clever! although she also knows part of the future so she knows how to behave!! Al instead doesn’t, he’s still a child and he’s going through a lot of unexpected things and scenarios! He has to deal with that without having the luxury of already known something! Remember how Ari reacted when arabella and the queen died? She was in confusion because that WAS NOT the future that she knew! Yet we all understood what she was going through, but when it comes to Al and to understand that he being the heir has always the hands tied together we suddenly say that he can’t take decisions nor he would not be a good king. Nah, I can’t stand this double standard sry. Cesare being the other ml is really interesting! He was her abuser in the previous life, but the author is making us understand that something was going on the bts due to the cardinal, so I think there’ll be something that will make us speechless and kinda sympathising with cesare. ofc this is not a justification for being a literal a b u s e r and I think that’s the main thing that keeps us from welcome the idea of ari ending up with him AGAIN (this mf was so toxic), but I have to say that I think that he ACTUALLY wants Ariadne in this life. yes yes yes i agree that he wanted her because he thought that she was Al’s woman, but NOW i think this feeling has evolved and now he really wants her. Would that mean that I hope they end up together? Hell no pls, this manhwa is really well written, this would be kinda lame without a BIG BIG BIG ENORMOUS TURNOUTS OF EVENTS THAT LITERALLY SHAKE ALL THE STILL GOING VISIONS AND FUNDAMENTS. Do I think Al deserves being with Ari? sure. Do I think Ari deserves being with Al? absolutely yes. Would I be mad if Ari and Cesare kiss just once and the author makes everyone understand that he really loves her and that in this life he wouldn’t treat her like a garbage? no… i would like to happen actually, BUT DO I WANT HER ENDING WITH CESARE? nop. mh-mh my lady, the train for that guy already passed and he took advantage of your kindness and loyalty without givin NOTHING in return, NEITHER appreciation for all you did for him. let him sank with his own ship ma’m, you deserve to be protected too, and our Al knows how to manifest that. yes, he’s still a child but he’s learning but this is the first time he’s having a chance with you and he’s not treating you as you don’t have any value. We know well you were blind for love in the previous life and i think that caused you not making other realised how clever you were, so i can also understand why in this life Cesare find you more proactive and yet more appealing, but i still think you should just kiss him once in order to make our toxic traits happy and then live the life you and al deserve (even tho i don’t like the blondie ones aaAAAAAGH).
Psycho !
I feel sorry for the guy. He lost one daughter, Suzanne who meant to be the original wife of Alphonso, to the illness and now second one is going mad and spoiled rotten
💕❣️ HEROINE ❣️💕
Dad sure is a pushover… no wonder she became like that..
I don’t think therapy would work for that one😂 electric shock therapy maybe
*slap her cheek* total 600k gold coins.
Yooooo this gurl is delulu. She needs therapy