Talented baby squirrel - Chapter 64
You don't have anything in histories
Tears on a Withered Flower
Chapter 45
March 22, 2025
Baby Snow Leopard of the Black Leopard Family
Chapter 29
March 22, 2025
In The Night, At The Duke’s Mansion
Chapter 34
March 23, 2025
Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess
Chapter 166
March 20, 2025
Solo Leveling
Chapter 200
May 31, 2023
Chapter 199
May 24, 2023
Arin the one and only
Too be honest I thought Carl and Beaty didn’t share a mother the first time I saw them but on like chapter 14 I noticed they did have the same mama and they would be such a perfect family if thier mother was still alive and were the fuck did Carl get black hair, wait I think it’s from his grandmother
Baby Carl is so adorable tho
Everyone keeps bring up the hair color thing – It’s BECAUSE blonde and red are recessive traits that a child with dark hair could 100% be born from them.
Hair color is far more complex than what we’re taught in school, given only the most basic of understandings. Hair color and skin color are both polygenic traits, meaning they are derived from two (or more) genes.
So, we know that genes for red and blond hair can be recessive, right? The genetics of hair color are complex but let’s simplify to make this easier to understand.
Red and blond hair colors are controlled by different locations in your DNA. Assume that your mother has two copies of the red hair gene at the red hair location but dark alleles at the blond gene location. Assume also that your father has two copies of the blond gene but normal (non-red) genes at the red hair location.
This means that you would have one red plus one non-red gene at the red hair location and one dark gene and one blond gene at the blond gene location. Assuming that the red and blond genes are recessive, you should have dark hair.
The genetics of hair color are complex and some genetic locations produce recessive/dominant effects while others show additive effects. For additive genes, two copies produces the strongest color effect while having just one copy produces an intermediate color.
What’s more there are multiple genetic locations producing a given color location. This means that you can have two blond parents producing dark haired children.
Wait everyone.. think about the royals first… Why TF that emperor and the empress looks like siblings
why the big brother/carl have a black hair?
I’ve always thought they were half siblings 🤔