The World Without My Sister Who Everyone Loved - Chapter 34
You don't have anything in histories
Fakes Don’t Want To Be Real
Chapter 91
March 8, 2025
Chapter 90
February 27, 2025
The Selfish Romance
Chapter 45
March 5, 2025
Tears on a Withered Flower
Chapter 43
March 7, 2025
Chapter 42
March 1, 2025
Solo Leveling
Chapter 200
May 31, 2023
Chapter 199
May 24, 2023
Taram Taram Taram
Chapter 38
March 4, 2025
I Became the Lost Daughter of the Villain
Chapter 13
March 10, 2025
AFter she died somehow the brainwashed ended and the Duke’s family regret it.In order to turn back time where Seinna still alive Aciel offered his heart.Thsi timeline theyre gonna have a happy ending.
If im not nmistaken the daddy Duke will die(not sure).
Oh my god so Aciel is the one that bring her back?
How long till a update bruh it’s been 2 weeks 😭😭😭💀
Arthur Kaien
now i think about it. does the time when Y.L michel dream about the past where he blame his father for bring ‘her’ here, the ‘her’ he was refer to was not seinna but the blonde. like aciel, after sienna die, he feel miserable as well and its blonde fault that everything happened and sienna die.
Asiel is the ML…boy am I glad I read the novel because it makes a lot more sense in the novel
Arthur Kaien
the translation on this chapter look much better even though i dont think sienna will refer Grand Duke as ‘dad’. If she actually really did, you might need to fix all the previous chapter.. I hope because the translator had improve, not because its an easy-translate chapters. thank you for your hard work.
the Grand Duke looks very cute and innocent in his chibi-form xD i will wonder too if my oldest son keep coming home on weekend when he usually did not.
im looking forward and prepared to see aciel’s heartbreaking past (thank you for the spoiler). thank you for the update.
I think all the misfortune Siena experience is due to the bitch, ahe maybe used some kind of magic to turn the member of the house to be cold and hate Seina.
Yes the translations are getting better thank you so much for your hard work im looking forward to the future updates.
😂😂😂 thank u for this chap i want more chap
So does aciel cared before to her or what?
Aceil acted on that 1st timeline that he abandoned fl coz his been manipulated/possessed by fraud or something like that.After she died and the world is chaotic ,its too late he found out and that blondie b*tch is really a snake.He offer his heart to bring back time where his dear fl still alive.
Good girl, you’re getting the hang of it. If you know someone is going to screw you over, you take full advantage of the situation until they do. Make that dough and head out with your cool fire spirit 😆 I’d say that would be an awesome life.
Also, my man is looking for something that doesn’t exist yet and it’s bringing joy to my soul. That’s what you get for being a monster.
Aciel is the ml
I believe the oldest son is the ml @XxLunaxX
XxLunaxX none of them is the male lead I think
My heart aches
Actually.. Who is the ML? Isbit Aciel or his brother?
Good, remember more, and relief the pain of what your previous timeline did to her, not standing up for her, letting that two-faced bish do whatever and treat the FL as she pleased
Amy Liddell
Thank you so much for your efforts
To be honest the translation is improving somehow to the better ..
Keep up the good work..
With All Respects
Poor Aciel, although he kinds of deserves it for the way he treated sienna before hand but it breaks my heart to see sienna treat aciel so indifferently.