Why Do You Love Me When I Refuse Your Request? - Chapter 23
You don't have anything in histories
Absolute Threshold
Chapter 56
March 18, 2025
Chapter 25
March 12, 2025
Solo Leveling
Chapter 200
May 31, 2023
Chapter 199
May 24, 2023
I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life
Chapter 176
March 17, 2025
Tears on a Withered Flower
Chapter 45
March 22, 2025
Chapter 44
March 14, 2025
Prison Love
Chapter 57
March 18, 2025
Chapter 342
March 18, 2025
Gosh those long paragraphs
Ummi Ikhwan
It’s not save if u take her in right now just let her go for now 😒 ceh u even Don’t know that your child is a girl how come u Wanna to protect her 😒😒
Personally, I see it as similar plot to “there’s no place for fake princess” combined with adopted saintess cliche as similar to that the dad still in the wrong no matter what you said, you can’t blame shushu (FL) for no liking the emperor in Both story they know the future from “novel” and actually had first hand experience how awful the “dad” treat them shushu being most likely a regressor especially so. So in both work the dad actually amended to their fault and wanted the daughter back (in fake princess the emperor wanted to adopt FL even though the real daughter show up) but after being confronted as to why he treat the FL badly as a kid and when she said she didn’t want to be with him all he can say is sorry.
In both cases you can’t blame the emperor (dad) fully because there are reason but that seeing it from third person pov but from both FL pov their “dad” have failed them you also can’t blame FL to feel that way and didn’t like the dad no matter what the reason an excuse will always be an excuse for them, and especially so since they’re supposed to be family. So reader that emphasizes with emperor isn’t wrong but so does that reader that emphasizes with the FL.
And I do agree, saintess adopted cliches is nothing original even among “regressor”, “transmigrator” story the adopted saintess is the most predictable “there will be saintess that had their power stolen by villainess then they regress and got adopted by “villain” family duke” generally is like that 7 out of 10 saintess adopted story.
I can’t understand the sentiments down below in the comment section. Emperor was actively trying to search for his daughter even though he was told that she was dead and cremated, he had been collecting gifts and planning for her return, when he found a silver of hope that she might be in the duchy he went there. He may be lacking in terms of his control in the castle for some reason which is weird and which is a huge plot hole in itself but plot armor is a thing so I won’t get into that. But as a father father he is very good. If I lost my daughter and found her happy in someone elses in after a few years I don’t care if she was to become the princess I will fight tooth and nail to get her back. And the original story(novel) if you look at it. A dead daughter comes to you in her teenage years with one of her identifying trait being taken away and the empress being a schemer she definitely had already made preparation so she had everything against going against her. The duke anger is justified in that it is like salt on a wound especially if you are being manipulated into that state of mind… Though I kind of see why you would hate the emperor even though he is not in the wrong because the writer is lacking in terms of skills for someone who is plagerizing other works to this extent so from now onwards I am avoiding the saintess being adopted thing completely there’s no originality to these. If you want to read a good one I have two “I became the adopted daughter of the male lead and “I became a fool when it comes to my daughter.” If you haven’t read them yet you won’t be disappointed.
THat B*tch shouldn’t touch my little shushu
Bro that B*tch shouldn’t touch my little shushu
where the hell was he when his wife was giving birth anyway?? if he was by her side that whole time none of this would’ve happened. why is he the “emperor” when he sounds powerless in all of this, it’s so weird
As long that b*tch red Empress alive and her clans…NO WAY to be with you Emperor . Youve known shes at the Duchy you should send a secret guards or shadow guards to protect her against that b*tch and her dominions. TSK!!!!
She’s happy now so back off!! 😡
I don’t agree you take shushu if her mother still alive I’m sure she will stab you with dagger because what you’ve done repent now emperor and crown prince I pray that shushu will not go back to the palace anymore
Am I just heartless for feeling happy that he’s suffering? Haha I actually wanted her to act all cute to the duke so he could suffer even more
Lets be heartless together!
Henituse resident
Okay look I get that the emperor and his son might have gotten brain washed by that red head girl and that the empress might have hindered the emperor from finding her even in this life BUT!
YET! You’re telling me he couldn’t find this child for six years? And when she finally did show up in the other time line, he couldn’t recognise her? Because he was brain washed? She even had a little spiritual power left that should’ve resonate with his own SOMEHOW!?
Really… nah.. i hope she never goes back to that so called family. They will never have her back even if they claim to love her now.
Thank you for saying that, I thought I am only one who doesn’t feel bad for emperor! 😀
I know there is possibility that he really is just a victim of brain wash/dark magic or something like that, but until it is proven, I won’t feel bad for him.
He dearly loves his kids, but I have feeling that it is pretty conditional love – kid needs to have high spiritual power to be loved. At this point he doesn’t have any reason to dislike his red haired daughter, she is his child no matter who is her mother, but he doesn’t treat her as daughter.
And his inability to find child for 6 years is annoying. He is sure, that kid is alive but everyone is saying she/he died. Empress is one who berried her/him. Shouldn’t emperor investigate who took the child, who is responsible. Not that he loves and trust empress and that is reason why he doesn’t suspect her. And he wants tho bring child back to place where he knows someone did something terrible to her without getting rid of danger? I’m not sure if he is just stupid, brainwashed or spineless , but I don’t like him, he doesn’t deserve his little Shushu.
And don’t forget that duke loved her even before they found out about her power. This shows who is best daddy in this fight.
All I can really blame is the Empress the root of their problem.Cant blame Shuelina if she doesn’t want to go back to her real family and I can’t also blame the emperor cause I know he tried so hard and possibly the Empress is blocking all his investigation regarding on his daughter all those years.
I am literally singing “when it hurts so good” while watching the scene of reunion but her ingnoring him 🥲
Thats what I think too,
@ice cream
I also agree with you, he searched for fucking 6 years only to find that child calling someone else their dad.
he might not be necessarily bad but he sure is incompetent, he doesn’t even know that the orphanage was reformed recently exactly afther Shuelina adoption
Screw that wimpy emperor, even if you give him benefit of doubt, stupidity still is crime.
Anyways… daddy duke is so cool, my heart melts seeing how he doesn’t care about bio dad and takes care of his little daughter.
I hope that Shuelina will become the bridge between the Royal Family and the Duchy. She’s obviously for royal blood but exists within the family registry for the Duchy. I hope that she can reconcile with her birth father and brother to help everyone be happy
gojo geto
ice cream I am with you
So far, I think her father and brother in the previous life got brainwashed or something by that red hair girl and the empress. For this life, I feel sad for her father and brother, but I can understand why FL doesn’t want to go to the imperial palace and maybe its also safer for her to stay at the grand duchy than in the imperial palace.